The Power and Necessity of Peaceful Protest: As Nigeria faces mounting challenges, the upcoming Hunger Protest presents a crucial opportunity to advocate for change through peaceful means. A peaceful protest, also known as nonviolent resistance or nonviolent action, involves expressing disapproval through a statement or action without resorting to violence. This form of protest is essential for making our voices heard without causing harm or destruction. It's within our rights to protest peacefully, but it is not within our rights to engage in violence. The essence of nonviolent protest is rooted in courage, understanding, and a commitment to justice. As Martin Luther King Jr. stated, "Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people; nonviolence seeks to win friendships and understanding; nonviolence seeks to defeat injustice or evil, not people; nonviolence holds that unearned, voluntary suffering for a just cause can educate and transform." Who Are We Fighting For? ...
Daniel Okonkwo: A Profile in Excellence and Advocacy Founder and CEO of Profile International Human Rights Advocate and Daniels Entertainment Daniel Okonkwo stands at the intersection of media, human rights, and digital innovation. As the founder of Profile International Human Rights Advocate and the CEO of Daniels Entertainment, Daniel has dedicated his career to crafting impactful narratives and championing the cause of human rights through compelling content and strategic media initiatives.